
As an ex smoker, I can completely relate to the challenges involved in giving up smoking and to the feelings of guilt, frustration and embarrassment of being a smoker, when you would really rather not be. It's just not socially acceptable now days and as a women, the fear of developing the classic smokers face, puckered lines, grey complexion and dark circles was enough to enable me to find my motivation!

Fortunately, if you haven't yet found the support you need to stop smoking forever, hypnotherapy can be an effective solution. Hypnotherapy Herts is a practice based in Hertfordshire. In this article you can discover 5 of the ways in which Hypnotherapy Herts can help you stop smoking with ease and quickly.

1. A Free Consultation - Hypnotherapy Herts provides a free consultation to those who make the decision to use Hypnotherapy Hertfordshire to stop smoking. During this initial consultation motivation is assessed. This is a very important step in your commitment to stop smoking. A good therapist will not work with a person who is not really that motivated to make the change. If they do, they are wasting your time and money. Hypnotherapy Herts would help you to identify whether you feel things 'must change now'.

2. Informal Change Techniques: Leverage
At Hypnotherapy Herts, a range of techniques are used to move ensure that you will be completely ready to stop smoking for good. One of the ways that this is done is via a process called getting leverage. This basically means helping the client to recognise and experience the impact of the problem behaviour, such as smoking, on themselves and those around them. It involves bombarding you with information about the impact of your smoking behaviour on your body and mind and the dangers of smoking will feel very real to you after this process. It will help you find your motivation and will identify those who are not motivated.

3. Informal Change Techniques: Setting Well-Formed Goals
NLP takes goals setting seriously and has developed criteria for goal setting that results in the goals being achievable and likely to be reached. Setting these types of goals involves you acting as if you have already achieved your goals to give up smoking. You will get to really visualise and begin to experience in your mind your life as a person who does not smoke. You will want to move towards this life after this process.

4. Formal Change Techniques - There are several formal change techniques, which are effective for helping you to stop smoking. The most appropriate technique will depend on your unique problem. Here are a few: 1) The Swish Technique can be used if you wish to replace a highly contextualised problem behaviour with a more positive behaviour. It works to eliminate behaviours that occur in specific situations after specific triggers. 2) Parts Integration is very useful at uncovering the positive intention of your smoking habit and dealing with incongruent behaviour and feelings. 3) Like To Dislike - This technique is based on information about how we code memories in our brain. We tend to code things we like in a different way to things we don't like. So, its possible to recode your memory of smoking into something that you cant stand.

5) Hypnosis with positive suggestion. Of course, part of your stopping smoking treatment at Hypnotherapy Herts will involve you getting to sit back and relax whilst your unconscious mind does the learning! During this process you will be guided to a deep state of relaxation, whilst the therapist also directs your unconscious mind with suggestions and metaphors to stop smoking. You will also be supported to develop positive coping strategies. Acknowledge that your smoking habit has served a purpose in the past, in that it has likely been a method for coping. Hypnotherapy and NLP techniques (neuro linguistic programming) will enable you to develop positive coping strategies that serve you in the present and future.

Hypnotherapy Herts helps people to stop smoking in one session. In that one session you become a non-smoker and do not want to go back to being one. Free support is also offered for the following 6 months, so that you return for free support if you feel you need it. If you do return to smoking a free top of session is available. These are rarely required.

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